Preliminary Exercise - My Camerawork: Shot Sizes


 I welcome you to my project "Camerawork". This project, in my opinion, had to be one of the most engaging and entertaining. Me and my partner worked together to take pictures of different ways camera works around school campus. In this blog, I'll be including some examples of the first section in this project: Shot Sizes.

Above is an example of a shot size. This one is called "Wide Shot/Long Shot" or "WS/LS" for short. In the shot, I was standing in between poles in the hallway here on campus. This is one of my favorite slides from this section mainly because it was such a well taken picture. Moreover, I feel like it completes the goal a wide/long shot aims for- which is to show the audience my surroundings.

My second favorite shot in this section of the project would definitely be "Close-Up/(CU)". Whether it'd be watching a film or even for this project, one of my favorite shot sizes is the Close-Up shot. The reason being that Close-Ups allow the audience to fall into deep detail in what is being showed in the scene. The detail is my favorite thing about it. In the picture above, we took a close-up shot of a tree. We made sure to capture every detail making it as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Something about a close-up picture of a nice tree brings an air of curiosity as to where the shot is being taken while showing detail.
